Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Favorite Halloween

My favorite Halloween experience is when I got one and a half pillowcases full of candy. On Halloween last year I went with Matt Baker trick-or-treating. For Halloween I was really nothing. All I wore was a half way down Florida Street I saw a bag full of candy. Knowing it was bad to black robe with a hood. Matt was also wearing a black robe and hood. We went all throughout the neighborhood. About take it I waited a couple of minutes to see if any body would claim it. After a while I just took it. A lot of houses gave me big candy bars, and also a lot of houses gave me a lot of suckers and small candy. I think Matt and I walked a mile.

On the way home we stopped at every house and took our costumes of to get double the candy. At one house I got caught ad the guy started to yell at me. While he was yelling Matt and I snuck off. When I got home I emptied all my candy onto the floor. While I was checking it I was eating it. After I checked it all I asked Matt if he wanted to sleep over. He said yes. That night we stayed up till 3 and played video games, watched a scary movie, and watched television.

The next morning we pretty much had candy for breakfast. After breakfast we went outside to play we got a couple of kids from the neighbor hood and played a two on two football tournament, for a big pile of candy (everybody brought some). There were four teams, Matt and I, Tyler and Daren, Ryan and Zach, and David and Eric. Matt and I were in the final game against Ryan and Zach. Matt and I ended up winning by a close margin. We split the candy and then Matt had to go home. I will never forget getting and winning two pillowcases of candy.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My favorite activity in the fall is carving pumpkins and cooking the seeds. I like carving pumpkins because I like getting my hands dirty in the pumpkin guts. I also like creating a design and cutting it out. I enjoy this mostly because I get to spend time with my family. Carving pumpkins makes me feel many different ways. It makes me feel loved when my mom and dad help me, I feel anxious when I am about to cut the pumpkin, and I also feel joyful when I am done. I also enjoy the pumpkin seeds. They taste good and they are easy to make.

There are many things I do while carving my pumpkin. First I go and pick a pumpkin from a store. Then my dad and I lay newspaper on a table in the garage. Third I place the pumpkins on the newspaper and get the carving tools and supplies. After that I think of a design, gut the pumpkin, then carve the pumpkin with the design that I chose. Then my mom puts a candle in it and turns the lights off, then takes a picture. Finally I put it outside on Halloween with a candle in it so all the trick-or-treaters can enjoy it.

After carving the pumpkins, my dad, my mom, my sister, and I rinse the pumpkin seeds. Then we also soak the pumpkin seeds in slat water and put them in the refrigerator over night. The next day my dad puts the seeds on a pan and put salt on them. Then he fries the seeds for about fifteen minutes, then takes them out and adds a little more salt. After that he puts them into a bowl or bag. Then my family eats the pumpkin seeds.

I have a great time doing all this stuff with my family.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sameness and Difference?

In my opinion I believe sameness is great thing for a world and also a bad thing for the world. I believe this because there would be no bias people, no wars, and no bullying. Another reason I believe this is because people would all be equal. Sameness would make the world a better place. I think sameness isn’t a good thing for the world because people can’t be themselves or be different. I think that it is a bad thing because people don’t have a lot of choice. For example they can choose what job the want. I also believe that sameness isn’t a good thing because there would be no real freedom of what that person chooses to do. If I could change sameness I would let more freedom and choice of what people do. I believe sameness is neither the best thing nor the worst thing for the world.

I think that difference is a bad thing, but also a good thing. I think difference is a bad thing because there are more fights, wars, bullying, and prejudice. Many people in the world are jealous of one another. Sameness, people are most likely not to be jealous because they are almost the same. Also many people in the world want to hurt somebody because they feel like they are the most powerful. In a world with sameness nobody can be more powerful because everybody is equal. Difference is also a good thing; I believe it is a good thing because you can have more choice in what you do. A world with difference is a world with democracy and love. Sameness does not have a choice in who is the leader; they also cannot love because in a family, the parents are just like friends. One thing I would change in difference is no more fighting, wars, or bullying. Difference is a great and bad thing for the world in my opinion.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I would not buy many things with 1,000,000 dollars. I would first invest 250,000 in a hotel business. I hope I would make a profit off the hotel. After I invest the money I would buy a time machine for about 100,000 dollars. Then I would go into the past about 100 years in the past and put my money in the bank. Next I would go back to the future and go to the bank company and i would get my money out of the bank. I would get around 20,000,000 dollars, I would put it in a bank for my great great grand children. I would give the rest of the money away but save 100,000 dolars for needs later in life. I hope I will get 1,000,000 dollars later in life.